The Journal of Faculty Development

Services for Faculty



Schedule a Library Instruction Session or Tour for your class

A librarian will be happy to teach your class the basics of library research and/or provide a tour of the Library Learning Commons facilities. They can also customize instruction sessions for the unique research needs of your students. Contact the Reference Desk at 308-432-6271, to set up a library instruction session or tour, or email

Information and Opportunities

Open Educational Resource Options: 

Library Spaces specific for Faculty support: 

See the Room Reservations page for images and contact information. Rooms can be reserved by the individual scheduling a meeting when the meeting invitation is created in Outlook. Below the date and time for the meeting, 'search for a room or location' using "Library 111" or other room number. The calendar for that room will tell you if it is available at the time you want to schedule your meeting. 

Multi-Use Room 111

  • The Multi-Use Room 111 is designed to meet Faculty meeting space needs. 
  • Podcast recording rooms are available with high quality sound systems and noise reduction. 
  • Camera recording equipment can be used. 
  • Multiple large screens and computers are available for presentations. 
  • Partial kitchenette. 

Teaching and Learning Collection

  • The Teaching and Learning Collection (TLC) includes titles specifically chosen to support faculty teaching pedagogy.
  • The TLC Collection is available on the upper floor of the library, to the right, around the corner from the elevator.
  • TLC Collection is part of the Teaching, Learning, and Professional Education Center (TLPEC). 

Library pages dedicated to program resources

  • The Library Liaison program offers Library Subject Guide style webpages that you can link to your program website.
  • Webpages can include program specific resources and links needed for specific courses, or in general for student guided information to the program. 
  • These Library Subject Guides are in development. See the current guides available and contact us with your creative ideas. 
  • Contact your Liaison Librarian to discuss options you would like to see on a Library webpage. 

Copyright Fair Use for Faculty

  • Fair Use Federal Statute for Educational Purposes
  • "In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include -
    • the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
    • the nature of the copyrighted work; 
    • the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and 
    • the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work." 

Violating Fair Use: 

  • The fourth fair use factor of the effect upon the potential market of the copyrighted work means that the "limited copying of copyrighted works without permission...for...teaching and research" can only be a one time use. 
    • Planning to use a copyrighted work for a course each semester that the course is taught is a violation of the fair use policy if the work is available for sale and a critical or intent ("heart of") the work is used.

Using copyrighted works accessed by individual students as part of a course

  • It is recommended to share or direct students to electronic resources for journal articles or eBook copies of copyrighted works used in a classroom.  
    • The college subscribes to electronic resources and purchases eBooks that can be used in place printing copyrighted works. 
    • An individual student who accesses copyrighted work provided by the college through subscriptions to the work falls under the fair use of copyrighted works even if all the students of a course are required to access the same copyrighted work for the course. 

Creative Commons Licenses

Creative Commons Licenses build on copyright to make published material, especially internet published works, more accessible to anyone.  Typical License types are listed in the following pdf with definitions on how/what each License is listing as approved use by the author of the work. 

For more assistance with copyright, fair use, and access, please contact your Liaison Librarian or call the Library.